Blended finance – debt

Blended finance is a technique used to enable commercial investors to access emerging markets debt opportunities in a scalable and de-risked way, thereby supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Blended finance strategies can allow professional investors to tap into this new asset class of impactful investments and focus on investing in sectors and geographies that are under-represented in public markets. We believe such strategies can provide investors with de-risked, uncorrelated returns in emerging markets.

Learn more about development finance and private debt impact investments on our interactive platform that is designed to help you learn more about financial trends and topics.


In this article of the "Update Magazine", we discuss how blended finance provides a new way for institutional investors to generate impact in Emerging Markets, while earning an attractive risk-adjusted target return.


For professional investors only, strictly private and confidential solely for the intended recipient 
Private debt investments are highly illiquid and designed for professional investors pursuing a long-term investment strategy only.

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