Upcoming webcasts

Our interactive live webcasts allow you to interact with our investment specialists and experts. Here you can register for an upcoming live webcast or browse our on-demand archive of past events.

Recorded webcasts

05.12.2024 | Erfahren Sie, wie Allianz Global Investors Altersvorsorgeprodukte entwickelt und welche Rolle hierbei Private Markets spielen. Mit Gastredner: Prof. Dr. Jochen Ruß, Geschäftsführer des Instituts für Finanz- und Aktuarwissenschaften (ifa) in Ulm.

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18.11.2024  | In this short video James Chen, Portfolio Manager, and Johannes Jacobi, Senior Product Specialist, provide an update on the Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence portfolio. Watch now November update Watch now August update Watch now July update Watch now June update Watch now April update

Watch now May update

30.09.2024 | Giles Money and Alex Bibani, Portfolio Managers for Allianz Global Sustainability Strategy, review the performance of the strategy and take a look at how its positioning is aimed at taking advantage of long-term opportunities.


26.09.2024 | Erfahren Sie exklusiv von unserem Senior Portfolio Manager Alexander Schmitt Details zu Allianz Global Infrastructure and Energy Transition Debt Fund, von Produktspezialisten Hintergründe zur Assetklasse und unseren Bankenexperten Hinweise zu regulatorischen Themen.

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24.09.2024 | With the launch of the Allianz Global Infrastructure ELTIF private investors can benefit from investing in a resilient semi-liquid private markets portfolio.


06.06.2024  | This year has seen a period of encouraging performance across Asian asset classes. India has continued to boom. In China, there are finally some signs of some light after the prolonged equity market downturn. And Asian credit has significantly outperformed other global fixed income markets.
Please join our three-part webcasts series with our investment teams to explore recent trends, and to share how portfolios are positioned to navigate the market environment.

  • India Equities - A Rising Economic Power
  • China Equities - Out of the Woods?

  • Asian Fixed Income - Multiple Catalysts Ahead


25.06.2024  | When it comes to sustainability, detail is everything. That’s why we have a dedicated team of investment experts who meticulously interrogate stocks before we select them for our Allianz Global Sustainability fund.

Gain insights from our Portfolio Managers Giles Money and Alex Bibani as they dive into the approach underpinning the Allianz Global Sustainability fund.


 21.03.2024 | Beyond sustainability considerations, impact goes further by targeting measurable social or environmental benefits as well as an investment return.

With increasing investor focus on impact investments, we are pleased to invite you to a three-part series of 60 minute live webcasts with our sustainable & impact investment experts, who will discuss impact measurement, impact investing within private credit and blended finance, with opportunities to ask questions.

Watch Trilogy webcast #1 here Watch Trilogy webcast #2 here


14.03.2024 | Dr. Thomas Bloch, Geschäftsführer bei der Deutschen Betriebsrenten Holding, wird im Gespräch mit Michael Seedorff, Leiter Pensions Corporates Deutschland bei Allianz Global Investors, über die Vorteile und die Funktionsweise einer Rentnergesellschaft informieren. CFOs und Treasurer beschäftigen sich mit dem Thema De-Risking vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Jahresabschlüsse gerade wieder mehr. Zum einen ist die Niedrigzinsphase vorbei und Unternehmen verbuchen dank der Zinswende eine spürbare Bilanzentlastung bei ihren Pensionsverpflichtungen sowie eine Stärkung ihrer Eigenkapitalbasis. Darüber hinaus hat der Ausfinanzierungsgrad ein historisches Hoch von 80% erreicht. Damit ist eine Ausfinanzierung bzw. eine Auslagerung von Pensionsverpflichtungen heute so günstig wie lange nicht mehr.

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05.03.2024 | Erik Sword, Portfolio Manager at Voya Investment Management, and Johannes Jacobi, Senior Product Specialist for Allianz Cyber Security will explain how investors can participate in the trend of a more complex cyber security infrastructure imposing greater demands and requiring increasingly rapid and dynamic advances. The fund invests as a concentrated "pure play" portfolio across all market capitalizations in global equity markets, focusing on companies with a focus on cyber security solutions and services.

Watch now in English

27.02.2024 | On 27 February 2024 we explored the dynamic world of thematic investing with our speakers Andreas Fruschki, CIO Thematic Equity, and Christian Zilien, Senior Product Specialist. In this webcast we featured our Allianz Thematica Fund, which aims to create an opportunity for investors to be at the forefront of new and changing themes on the equity market. Watch now in English Watch now in French

Watch now in Italian

30.01.2024 | In our webcast  James Chen, Portfolio Manager, and Johannes Jacobi, Senior Product Specialist, reflect on the markets and discuss how they have been positioning the Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence portfolio. Both share their thoughts on the trends in AI and on why the compounding impacts of AI innovations will drive significant long-term value creation. 

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