Infrastructure debt

Infrastructure debt is an asset class for institutional investors that aims to provide long-term stable returns and cash flows. At AllianzGI, we source high credit quality Infrastructure Debt transactions by identifying, differentiating and managing risk.

Our Infrastructure Debt platform has been active in the primary market on behalf of Allianz and third-party clients since 2012. We take pride in our dedicated team’s substantial pre-existing industry relationships and execution experience of infrastructure debt tailored for institutional investors. The team differentiates itself through the sourcing and origination of private placements, innovative financial engineering and the enhanced credibility that our current client base delivers with borrowers.

Use our interactive map to explore the AllianzGI Infrastructure Debt transactions closed on behalf of our investors.

Click on an individual project to find out more or use the filter to refine the list of investments in view.


Market recognition

We are proud to be the recipient of a number of industry awards for our contribution to the sector. Additionally, a number of deals that we have participated in have also won awards. Some of the most recent awards are noted below:

Allianz Infrastructure Debt awards

Infrastructure Debt team

Our Infrastructure Debt team is an experienced and well-resourced team with a proven operational platform and investment process. In fact, five of the senior team have been working together since 2004, conducting in-depth analyses of the infrastructure debt market and participating in infrastructure projects. Since the platform was established in 2012, the team has closed numerous transactions across Europe and the US, spanning a variety of asset classes, from PPP to utilities and renewables.


Our investment strategies

Our Infrastructure Debt platform was incepted in 2012, when we initially focused on Core Infrastructure with investment grade features.

In 2017, we expanded the Infrastructure Debt platform into the “crossover” credit spectrum, targeting senior debt on core+ infrastructure assets and junior debt on core infrastructure assets.

With the launch of the Allianz Resilient Opportunistic Credit strategy in 2021, we can now offer the full range of credit opportunities.


Illustrative risk/return profiles1

Risk/return profiles

What other strategies are available?


1 Source: Allianz Global Investors, return and risk parameters are illustrative and not to scale. Performance of the strategy is not guaranteed and losses remain possible.

For professional investors only, strictly private and confidential solely for the intended recipient 

Infrastructure debt investments are highly illiquid and designed for professional investors pursuing a long-term investment strategy only.

Investing involves risk. The value of an investment and the income from it may fall as well as rise and investors might not get back the full amount invested. Investing in fixed income instruments may expose investors to various risks, including but not limited to creditworthiness, interest rate, liquidity and restricted flexibility risks. Changes to the economic environment and market conditions may affect these risks, resulting in an adverse effect to the value of the investment. During periods of rising nominal interest rates, the values of fixed income instruments (including positions with respect to short-term fixed income instruments) are generally expected to decline. Conversely, during periods of declining interest rates, the values of these instruments are generally expected to rise. Liquidity risk may possibly delay or prevent account withdrawals or redemptions. Past performance does not predict future returns. If the currency in which the past performance is displayed differs from the currency of the country in which the investor resides, then the investor should be aware that due to the exchange rate fluctuations the performance shown may be higher or lower if converted into the investor’s local currency. The views and opinions expressed herein, which are subject to change without notice, are those of the issuer companies at the time of publication. The data used is derived from various sources, and assumed to be correct and reliable at the time of publication. The conditions of any underlying offer or contract that may have been, or will be, made or concluded, shall prevail. The duplication, publication, or transmission of the contents, irrespective of the form, is not permitted; except for the case of explicit permission by Allianz Global Investors GmbH.

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